Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts

Sunday, March 5, 2023

 Apple Gives Nod To chatGPT-Driven App Amid Concerns

Apple Company Callifornia U.S

Apple scrutinised whether a feature in the software that uses AI-powered language  tools `could generate inappropriate content for childrens`.

Mumbai: Apple has reportedly aprroved an AI Chatbot-Driven app after content moderation assurances from its developer,as concerns rise about ChatGPT going bonkers and even generating inappropriate content for some users. According to a report in The Wall Street journal, Apple approved the app called aBlueMail` following assurances from its developer that it has content moderation tools.

Apple srutinised whether a feature in the software that uses AI-powered language tools "could generate inappropriate content for children".According to Ben Volach, co-founder of the app maker, Blix Inc., he told Apple that "its update includes content moderation".                                                                                                                                                                                                                      He suggested that "the company should make public any new  policies about the use of ChatGPT or other similar AI system in apps". The BlueMail app is still available for users aged 4 and older, said the report. Apple curates and reviews each app before approving those for its App Store. However, there have been concerns regarding ChatGPT  use. Since its release, researchers have been grappling with the ethical issues surrounding its use, because much of its output can be difficult tio distinguish from human-written text.

AI chatbot ChatGPT-driven Bing search engine triggered a shockwave recently after it told a reporter with The New York Times that it loved him, confessed its destructive desires and said it "wanted to be alive", leaving the reporter "deeply unsettled." Cyber-criminals are also using ChatGPT to create Telegram bots that can write malware and steal data.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Apple may add this new colour option to the iPhone 14 series

Apple May Add This New Colour Option To The iPhone 14 Series

Cupertino-based tech giant Apple unbeiled the iPhone 14 series in September 2022. The iPhone 14 lineup four smartphones--iPhone 14, iPhone Plus, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone Pro Max.The base models of the series, the vanila iPhone 14 the iPhone 14 Plus are available in five diffrent colour variants--Blue,Purple,Midnight,Starlight and Product Red. The company is now reportedly planning to add a diffrent colour option to the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus lineup.According to a report by MacRumors, a Weibo post shared by the Japanese blog Mac Otakara claims that Apple is planning to introduce the iPhone 14 Plus in yellow by spring.

Apple's PR team may conduct a product briefing soon

The report claims multiple sources have confirmed that Apple's PR team is planning a product briefing next week So, the speculated briefing might be related to the  announcement of a new iPhone colour,the report adds.  However,the report couldn't confirm the subject of the briefing

 Apple'new colour' plane for iPhone 14

For the last few years,Apple has been adding new colours for iPhones in the spring. This helps the company to boost iPhone sales midway through the product cycle.In March 2022, the company announced an Alpine Green colour for the iPhone 13 Pro models. Before that, in April 2021, Apple announced a Purple colour option for the iPhone 12 and iPjone 12 and iPhone 12 mini.

YELLOW colour iPhones 

Apple has already offered  a Yellow colour option for previous iPhone models. The comapany added Yellow colour options for the iPhone 11 in 2019 and the iPhone XR in 2018. The report didn't mention if Apple is planning to add new colours for the iPhone 14 Pro models. This rumoured Yellow colour option in iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus might look similar to the existing Gold colour option available for the smartphone models.

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